Building Permit Services For Toronto, GTA, Mississauga

Building permit services toronto, gta, mississauga, building permit drawing toronto, building bylaw services           According to the Ontario Building Code Act, you need a

building permit

to construct or demolish a building. As you know, getting a building permit is not an easy thing and requires some complex procedures along with filling the application form and continuous tracking of the progress.

          Moreover, you will need the services of qualified, registered firm while submitting your application. We are pleased to offer you our qualified assistance. Fine Line Building Group has over 20 years of experience providing

building permit services for Toronto, GTA, and Mississauga areas.

We are fully insured and registered with the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing that outlined Ontario Building Code.

          Whether you have a residential, a commercial, or an industrial project, you can count on FLBG to help you take care of your

building permit


Our simple yet effective approach

  • Our team will visit your property and carry out necessary detailed measurements.
  • Based on the measurements and other information, we file all necessary drawings and other paperwork on your behalf.
  • We'll submit the drawings to the city.
  • We will ensure the design changes are reflected to provide correct information and get your permit as soon as possible.
  • Contact us today and let us take care of your building permit application.

List Of Our Services For Toronto, Mississauga, GTA

  • Zoning Reviews
  • Residential and Commercial Building Permits
  • Committee of Adjustment
  • Stop Work Orders
  • Order to Comply
  • Construction and Permit History Reports
  • Building Potential Reports